Friday, October 3, 2008

OMG this bug was huge

i just wanted to share with you my little adventure of finding the biggest bug i have ever seen. it was difinitly something from prehistoric times. So i am outside watering my new grass, (that looks great by the way) and i look over at the house and there is a giant bug just chilling out. So for those of you who know and for those who dont. I am what you call a bit skiddish around the creepy crawly things of the world. so i am not about to go over and kill this thing. So i call our housing office and see if there is a nice strong lad who can come over and give me a hand with this. And let me tell you, they are very understanding over there at the housing office so they said no problem someone will be right over. Great, so i thought. So 5 mins later knock knock and there is the tiniest little woman standing in my doorway, with , wait for it, a broom! So i show her the bug and she gives me a Holy Sh** look and i say Yeah. So she stands back and gives a good swing with her broom and low and behold this prehistoric bug has wings and flys right at her, as she runs away screaming bloody murder. So as i am trying not to laugh because i would have done the same thing, and did i mention i have resided on the far side of the yard, i point out to her where the creature has landed. So this very petite and might i add brave little woman, winds up and gives another big swing. Yet this time the bug is now attached itself to the broom so she decides to beat the bug to death by slamming the broom down repeatedly on the concrete patio we have in the back yard. After what seems like 5 mins of beating it finally falls off the broom and i get up the nerve to run over and crush it with my shoe. YAY ME. So now that this problem has been taking care of and with our nerves slightly altered but still in tacked. I say Thank you, she says Anytime and we both go about our day. True Story, i cant even make this stuff up.

So forgot to mention that after i called the housing office and am waiting for someone to come over and take care of this, i decide it should be documented (ya know scientific purposes of course) so i get out the camera and zoom in to take a couple quick pics. and just so you can all have a refernece the bricks are 2 1/2" inches in height. if that helps.


Jennifer said...

so my question is... why did you have to kill the bug if it was on the outside of your house. I understand if it was inside, but was in hurting you on the outside???

Cyndi said...

Big Bug, Funny story. Thanks for sharing.